Light At Night

Hey, want to help track global light pollution?  On a worldwide scale, very few people are as lucky as us folks in the Peace Country: they can’t see the brilliant array of stars studding the night sky.  They can’t see meteor showers from their back yards: the Milky Way only exists as a sort of legend on the internet.  Never has much of the world’s population lain on their backs on a warm summer night and gazed at a real star gallery.

GLOBE at Night is an international campaign that rates the preservation of our night sky view above excessive earthly light.  They track light pollution across the world, with the help of citizen scientists who are willing to download an app, go outside one night, and follow 5 easy steps to report how bright the stars appear from their neck of the woods.  There are four opportunities to participate, and one is happening very soon.  Go to the GLOBE at Night website and check it out!

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1 Response to Light At Night

  1. What upsets me about all the city lights is that they leave lights on in those big buildings and songbirds fly into the window panes at night. In the morning, hundreds of birds are swept off the sidewalks where they’ve fallen to their deaths. Why can’t the lights be turned off at night when no one is in the building? And yes, I’m sure city people would love to see the sky. But most likely, they don’t even know what they’re missing.

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